How to Understand, Start, and Run a Successful Home Based Travel Business

How to Understand, Start, and Run a Profitable Online Homebased Travel Business

Home Based Travel BusinessWhy this is such an excellent choice for a homebased business, and How To Get Started

Looking for a Home Based Business? Look no further.. or at least until you read this entire article. We think your perspective may be greatly broadened by why you learn here.

Are you searching for the Best Home Based Business ? Recent polls show that over 70% of us are seeking such an opportunity. But does something like this really exist?

Here’s the problem: if you asked ten different people what the “best” home business was, you would probably get ten different answers. The truth of the matter is it really comes down to finding the best one for YOU.

We are all coming from a unique background. Each of us first has different wants and needs, and a want or need will determine what is best. Then we all have different abilities, and yes.. your abilities DO match up to what might be the best for YOU. What’s best for a friend or neighbor and might work for them might be a total mismatch for you. This article will give you a good insigte and provide a direction on what is one of the most universally agreed upon as a “Best” business.

We all have different interests and personalities, interests , abilities, and personalities. We have different weaknesses and strenghts. We also come from all sorts of different circumstances. So it makes sense that not all of us are going to be interested in the same home based business opportunity.

If there was truly ONE business that was for everyone, can you imagine how competitive that field would be? It would be VERY hard for anyone to make any money!

You have probably seen advertisements all over the internet about THE #1 income making opportunity. Don’t get fooled by all the so called ways and opportunity to make easy money. There is no such thing.

That’s where this report comes in. This article is NOT a comprehensive list of reviews of the thousands of home based business ideas out there. It’s an article that tells you some parameters of a good home based business, then discusses the travel industry. We give you the pros and cons both of a job and being in business; we tell you the history of our industry, and then why it’s so good and the place to be right now as it rides two major trends: Travel and the Internet.

I have researched and tried (sometimes failing miserably) many of those businesses, both online and in the real world, BUT, I have found and chosen something that is a legitimate way to make a great income from home. That’s what this is about. It’s a great fit for me, but because you are NOT me and probably have a different personality (thank heaven!), it may not be for you.. and that’s ok. But if you see things as I do, and as is presented here…

The best home based business for ME is a HOME BASED TRAVEL BUSINESS. I know it will also be for many of you.

But other than the fact that I’m just a normal, ordinary guy with no special talents.. and in fact, I’m probably older than most readers at 69 and I started this just last year, this article is not about me. It only points out that about anyone can easily get involved in the home based travel business. This is about YOU and what YOU want from life and your “working hours”, whether you are a stay-at-home-mom, a retiree, or any other category.

So the question becomes, out of all the various choices: Why start a online travel business?

We are going to discuss first the “Why”, then a little about the various types, and then the “how”. This will take some time, so grab a beverage of your choice and read on. In fact, I suggest you print this out while the coffee is brewing so you can really digest it. Mark it up. Pencil in questions.. and let’s get going!

First and foremost, when choosing a home based business, it’s really important to ask yourself “Why” are you doing this, and are you prepared to take it seriously and treat it like a business? That means regular hours of commitment of time and a commitment of money as any and all businesses you own are going to require some degree of investment.

This is probably as good of a time as any to differentiate between a JOB and a Business. ..

A job, including a home based “job” is one where you are going to essentially be trading time for money, and the assumption is that you have an employer of some sort who is going to pay you either on a dollar value per hour spent, or some dollar value for certain production. That production could be sales production as it often is; it could be manufacturing production, or it could be service production.. so many envelopes stuffed; so many calls made, so many of about anything done. That person is going to pay you for that, but you know that person or company is only doing this because they are going to make a certain amount of money on you. You are essentially paid what the job is worth; what the employer could get a replacement for you for. Regardless of your skills, you are not being paid what YOU are worth, but what the job is worth. For accepting this, you get some degree of security knowing that if you do “the assignment” or “the job” you are going to receive a certain, predictable amount of money. You may even receive some benefits. But the “security” is a joke because everyone knows that there is very little security. First the employer must remain in business. He must have a market for whatever it is you are doing, and markets change. Next, your value is relative! Maybe that employer has a cousin who would like to do your job, or maybe someone comes along willing to do your job for less money. How secure are you? People tell me every day, “I don’t want the risks of a business.” Guess again everyone! You certainly have RISK as an employee as well!. And as to investment… well, many businesses have employee borne expenses, and even the IRS recognizes this. It’s just that there are SOME “out there” that don’t require any CASH investment, but don’t kid yourself.. you ARE making an investment, only it’s hidden in the fact you’re paying it in work and in the sense that you’re not being paid as much as you might if you absorbed certain expenses yourself.

In contrast, a BUSINESS, including a home based business, is one where you choose and control what ever it is your business makes or does. It could be virtually anything, and probably the best business is one where you control the product or service. Here on the internet, Information products are tops; these are followed by service products. Then comes those things you manufacture or make, and finally, there’s the category of items someone else controls but makes available to you for resale. Affiliate programs fall into this category. But you really need to be aware that if you are going to have a BUSINESS you are going to have business expenses, even a homebased business. These are the expenses of the office first, and then you may need to have some product or have been a user of some of the service so you truly KNOW what you have and can do business from a credible point. The product or service should be one of value that if you were the buyer, you’d consume it yourself at retail. Watch the line though… you don’t want to is get into a business where you are required to purchase X dollars amount of product every month, whether you can use this or not. That’s not a legitimate business.

Depending on your philosophy, you’ll probably agree that it is very important to choose a business that interests you. Pick one that you will enjoy doing, ideally something you are passionate about. Think about it, if you are going to start a business from home, it makes sense to choose something that you will enjoy. And if you enjoy it, then you’ll probably learn more quickly and have your heart more into it when the going is tough.

But we’d put just a few things ahead of this and put “enjoyment” as a luxury. Those things are market size and market growth. Where is your business product or service in terms of life cycle? Is your market expanding and you can ride a wave, or is it declining. And what is the market size and potential. Will there be a business available for you in 5 years? Ten?

Then lastly, we’d probably mention that the business should be ethical and compatible with what you believe. Many people who research businesses, particularly Internet businesses, know that the porn and gambling industry meets the criteria of growth and market size. You may be tempted to look in those areas, and if you are, kindly close this report or article and tear up you paper copy. This is not a part of the business world we want anything to do with. Money and income is just not that important to us.

After evaluating many, many, many businesses and participating in several since 1969, including an early successful involvement with Amway, then Free Life, and a couple others, including a few that just didn’t “go” for us, we became aware of the opportunities in the online travel business. This is a business model that has just evolved over the past few years, and is now in full momentum.

It is also important to be a part of trends. Fortunes are made by riding trends. Currently, travel is a trend to the tune of 6 trillion dollars a year! By 2010, that number is estimated to be 14 trillion dollars!

Think of all the baby boomers that will be retiring in the coming years. And what do people like to do when they retire? What would you like to do when you retire? If you’re like me, travel is probably very near the top of that list.

That is why the travel industry provides the perfect business for opportunity seekers. It is simply taking advantage of a trend that is just starting to gain momentum. When looked at as a home based business, it rides the second trend: the growth of the Internet as a business medium.

Let’s look at how and why this has evolved into a viable Internet Based Travel Business.

People “booking travel” for others has evolved possibly in three stages. We also should consider the two major market segments: Business travel and personal or leisure travel, and in the later category, we’d include as a very close association, travel and leisure and recreational activities and lodging. We are going to focus on personal leisure travel and recreational travel market.

STAGE 1: Probably dates back about 75-80 years when the primary mode was train and ocean liner. There were no condos, few motels, and little air travel. But there were many lodges and luxury hotels. We’ve all heard of the Biltmore and others. And there was some degree of business travel, but not to the extent we had a few years ago before travel (particularly sales meetings) became so expensive. Other than those vacations to places like Atlantic City, travel was really more in the hands of the more wealthy part of the population, and most of THOSE people just did not want to be bothered making their own arrangements, or even checking places out. A small cadre of “travel agents” was born, although they probably had many more duties along the line of concierge, personal assistant, etc. In large companies, specialists were brought on board to do those arrangements… and seek out bargains and discounts for their companies.

STAGE 2: Now we have more cars, the DC-3 and early airlines are starting to emerge. We have reliable telephones; we have some early forms of fax but the telegram was the primary means of communication on short notice as mail took longer, and people are becoming aware that they can earn money booking travel for others. Providing essentially two services: Knowledge of destinations and Administrative tasks such as actually buying the travel arrangements on behalf of a third party. That third party could be a business or an individual.

Natural business evolution follows and at first small partnerships were formed because now two people might have the knowledge and experience of two different travel destinations, but as a single entity (the travel agency) be able to offer clients more options. Then this single agency could bring more volume to a travel provider such as an airline, hotel, etc than a single person, and hence negotiate better discounts, or as more often was the case, better commissions as not all discounts got passed on. Everyone benefited.

Airline traffic was particularly challenging to book, and in the late parts of Stage 2, computers began to come more and more into play, although they were both expensive and highly specialized. The affordable home computer had not yet really evolved and there were limited travel networks. Travel agencies could afford these computer systems and gain access to the various vendors, which at that time were mainly airlines, and book travel conveniently and easily. This was about to change!

STAGE 3: Change took place almost over night. The airlines deregulated as one part, and competition evolved to a point where commissions were almost non existent to the agencies. The Internet and access to travel databases within the airlines and hospitality industry literally exploded into being, and now EVERYONE had at least almost nearly equal administrative access to the services and could bypass the agencies which started going out of business at an alarming rate. The one thing certain agencies DID retain was a cadre of people who HAD traveled and did have personal experience with various providers… resorts, cruise lines, etc. But as profits to the providers themselves started to decline, so did the availability of FAM trips, and there were fewer agencies.

But along with this evolved another trend! The population is growing and there’s more travelers available, particularly in the leisure market than ever. And many of these travelers just don’t have the time to really do the research, or even to truly shop for the best and lowest costs.

But individuals devoted to and loving to travel such as stay at home moms in travel find that they can provide the same services that the old large agencies did!

All they needed was a vendor willing to work with them, and at this time, new vendors started to emerge.

The emergence is primarily in the area of recreation and resorts as unlike the airlines which have cut back and in many cases have a SHORTAGE of seats and product, resorts (and cruise lines) have continued to build and expand where today, they have an excess or surplus of inventory except for very limited times of the year.

The question becomes: How do we fill these empty rooms? These empty staterooms? These empty golf courses? These unused campsites?

The answer is: Through You!

But you don’t know where they are, or how to negotiate the pricing.. but a newly evolved list of consolidators do! Currently there are three major consolidator groups doing business in the USA, and one stands out above the other two as it has more contacts, more experience, more inventory, and essentially a better pay plan offering the customer more options. What YOU have is a list of contacts or the knowledge and time to introduce the traveling public to these options. Because you are working with the suppliers of SURPLUS inventory who is willing to fill these vacancies at deeply discounted rates, you can pass these rates on, if only you knew how to get your hands on them.

Actually, about anyone can get their hands on any one location at any time at a discount, and many people have been doing that using services such as Orbitz, Travelocity, and others But these are very sharply targeted and focused, and deal much more with just hotels, car rentals, and to some extent, airline travel. One can pick up a major magazine or metro newspaper and find condos for rent from owners, at discounts. But again, this is very limited.

How Do You Get Started?

First, you learn about the 3 major consolidator firms offering travel, and if you just let the word out that you are looking for a homebasd travel agency or company, you’ll find that these people find you very quickly. Or you can do an Internet search using terms like that and find them. Most of the firms have a fairly similar makeup in that they are offering an entire travel package or membership for a fee. This entitles the purchaser to the inside track on deeply discounted travel services.

If they are essentially all the same, what do you look for? We focus in a legitimate business first on product, so we look for product value. We look for a company with flexibility and a product mix. Not all people want to travel internationally, so is there just a domestic package? What is offered that you or your customer can do when they get to a destination? Are there name resort and theme parks? Golfing? How about great meal discounts, as we all “eat out” when we travel? We know cruising is “big” but we know the cruise lines vary from very family oriented to “swinging singles”. Is there a good mix? How about time limitations on the travel package?

As a business, what kind of support tools are available? Training is a must, and is it real, and in real time, with real live people you can talk to and ask questions of? A solid, reliable web site is a must. Does the firm you are looking to join provide one? None will do a good site free, but is this a fair and reasonable cost?

Will you have access to a personal mentor? Can you become a certified, card carrying travel agent as well if you want?

These are but a few of the questions.

The “How Do You Get Started” in the homebased travel industry is best summarized by 3 words: “Do Your Homework”

Well, now that you know some of the history, let’s look at a couple more things, starting with some of the advantages of this, particularly in comparison to other options you may have selling nutritional products, informational products, skin care, diet products, or many others.

Aside from the money making potential in our industry, there are many other advantages.

It is easy to start. This facet never ceases to blow me away With the invention of the internet, businesses that have traditionally always been brick and mortar establishments are now available to all of us. The internet makes it easy for everyday people like you and me to start a small business online. We can reach people all over the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the comfort of our own home. People can be checking out your business while you are sleeping, on vacation, or whatever. Phone services like Skype let us actually talk to people all over the world (one of us might be sacrificing some sleep due to time zone differences, but technically, it’s possible!)

Your business is relatively inexpensive to start, particularly compare to a more standard travel agency business.Because you no longer need a regular office, insurance, and employees, businesses. In fact, if you set up a legitimate IRS qualifying home office, many of the costs you have at your current home now become tax deductible (see your accountant, and if you don’t have one.. get one. Maybe you can even barter some travel services for HIS services).

Your potential clients include almost everyone. Who doesn’t like to travel or need a vacation? And if the economy slows, your business grows! Previous travelers who thought nothing of paying full price now start to look for discounts.

You can save a lot of money on your own travel. What’s the point of owning a business if you don’t get some fringe benefits? With a home based travel business, you become eligible for some incredible discounts. And because you are your own boss, you will have more free time to go on vacation and take advantage of these discounts.

Is there a downside to a home based travel business? Sure, there is in any business.

Travel is a very competitive industry. In order to have an edge, you have to differentiate yourself from the rest by branding yourself with a superior product. Those who read this article and find a specific interest and contact us as the author will be given some very specific knowledge on how to do this and succeed.

Other than that, I have not come across any other disadvantages to a home based travel business.

We hope you have found this article to be greatly helpful

Travel Agent Review – The Best Ways to Be a Work at Home As Travel Agent

Do you want to learn about Travel Agent Review? Would you expect to learn more regarding the credibility of [email protected]? Or is Travel Agent Scam or genuine product? You will find the answers in this honest review!

Some people prefer these ways :

1. Perform some Research in Traveling AND Marketing

If you do not curently have experience in the industry, like a work at home travel agent or otherwise, as there are a great deal you have to learn before you can be considered a successful work at home travel agent. Travel agents traditional work solely on commission – although if you work for another company, you might receive a base salary – that they make money selling and booking vacations and packages. That means that like a work at home travel agent, explore only need to possess a great deal of data about traveling and destinations, additionally you must have sales and marketing skills. And with the online competition for discounted travel packages growing at a crazy rate, you will have a great deal of competition as a work at home travel agent. Being able to match your customers using the perfect vacation, offering excellent customer service, providing additional service that consumers aren’t able to find elsewhere, and possessing outstanding sales and marketing skills are essential to your success like a work at home travel agent.

If you do not already understand both customer service and marketing completely, you will want to invest some time learning about both before you consider starting as a work at home travel agent. The good thing is, all of the information you need to show yourself about the industry is widely available to you online – you can even take classes at your neighborhood college or trade school that are specifically tailored to help you excel like a work at home travel agent. If you’re approaching short on information online, then consider enrolling in a few marketing classes and travel agency classes. A couple of months of learning about the trade can make all the difference in your eventual success like a work at home travel agent.

2. Get Certified as a Work at Home Travel Agent

You will find three major organizations that certify a qualified travel agent – including a work at home travel agent – which certifications are considered an industry standard. The IATAN, IATA (sister organizations) and the CLIA offer certification to you as a work at home travel agent, if you meet the requirements. These certifications can not only help you land a good job like a work at home travel agent, but could help you later on if you choose to construct your own company like a work at home travel agent.

To explore the certifications they offer and also the credentials you must possess to try to get the certifications, take a look at each respective organization’s website from :

* International Association of Travel Agents Network (IATAN) :
* International Air Transport Association (IATA) :
* Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) :

3. Start like a Work at Home Travel Agent for a Company

Even when your eventual goal is to become a completely independent work at home travel agent, starting your job as a work at home travel agent to have an online travel agency remains the best spot to start. People who curently have worked in the field offline should still consider starting like a work at home travel agent for someone else. Employed by a larger company will educate you on the skills you have to allow it to be being an independent work at home travel agent, while letting you make money at you learn.

Companies also provide you with access to several tools that you may otherwise never discover, and the customer is made of obviously larger – something you’ll definitely need if you want to make good money like a work at home travel agent. If you have simply no experience in the industry, applying as a work at home travel agent having a smaller company provides you with a better shot at being hired. You can find open positions for work at home travel agents by looking into some of the websites the following. Start by browsing through Craigslist or other job seeking websites to ascertain if there are any positions available like a work at home travel agent in your city; otherwise, you are able to proceed to the internet-based companies which have positions open for a work at home travel agent. You may need a resume to try to get most of the work at home travel agent positions, so taking a class or two ahead of time on traveling and marketing will definitely look good on your application and significantly increase your likelihood of being hired like a work at hoe travel agent for those who have no previous experience in the field.

4. Subscribe to a Work at Home Travel Franchise Opportunity

If being a work at home travel agent for a corporation doesn’t sound appeasing, you can also start your own work at home travel agent company by buying into a franchise. Obviously, this can cost you some start-up money, but the benefit here’s that you may have support and use of the tools you need to become an independent work at home travel agent. A franchise also allows you to use a brand reputation for your work at home travel agent business, which gives you access to a larger pool of customers without requiring you to answer to another person. The downfall is, there is absolutely no base commission having a franchise – your income completely depends upon how well you do as a work at home travel agent. For those with minimal experience like a work at home travel agent, this is definitely not the path to go in the beginning, if you don’t are completely confident inside your marketing skills.

5. Consider using a Work at Home Travel Agent Affiliate Program

A work at home travel agent affiliate program is exactly what it seems like: an opportunity for affiliates to sign up and work with respect to another company as a work at home travel agent. The affiliate program provides you with use of the tools and the support that you need, however, you simply earn commission on the packages you sell like a work at home travel agent – there is no base salary. The benefit to some work at home travel agent affiliate program is that there isn’t any buy-in costs, and the only expenses from you are the expenses you incur through advertising and running a website like a work at home travel agent. This route is a great choice for people who wish to be a work at home travel agent without answering to a company, but don’t possess the money or the will to run their very own independent work at home travel agent company like a franchise.

6. Fund your Own Work at Home Travel Agent Company

If affiliate programs and franchises aren’t for you, you can always start your own work at home travel agent business with no company backing you up. This is by far the most risky way to become a work at home travel agent, so this option should be restricted to people who already have extensive experience like a work at home travel agent and in marketing and sales. To begin a work at home travel agent business, you will have to build your own client pool, market your company yourself, build your brand, and interact with airlines, cruise companies, car rental agencies, hotels, and other companies in the travel industry so that you can market then sell their products and services.

Working directly with one of these companies as a work at home travel agent provides you with the greatest degree of commissions, as you have no other company to pay first before you receive your wages being an independent work at home travel agent. You may also enjoy the benefits and kick backs that work at home travel agents receive for working exclusively with the companies they select, or work having a broader range of companies to offer your customers more options – it’s your choice. Starting a work at home travel agent business entails much more than can be detailed here, so if you are looking to begin your personal work at home travel business independently.

For some reason, it seems rather difficult for most people to perform, but you do not worry because there are more creative ways to do it.

Being employed as a travel agent can be both personally fulfilling and financially rewarding, which is why many decide to work in the field. However with internet travel sales and discounted traveling sites dominating the, it can be hard to find work as a travel agent inside a traditional office. Many travel agents are instead looking online to have an opportunity to be considered a work at home agent – and with good cause. Not only do you possess the comfort of working out of your own home office like a work at home travel agent, with the use from the internet, you can bring in much more in commissions than in a traditional travel agency. And with experience, you can even start your own work at home travel agent company, instead of working on behalf of another company. Add in the many perks that the work at home travel agent receives, from free swag to free airplane tickets or even vacations, also it almost sounds too good to be true! Interested?

Now, let’s discuss about Travel Agent created by [email protected] and how it may assist you. I really hope this simple Travel Agent Review will aid you to differentiate whether Travel Agent is Scam or a Real Deal.

Travel is the best online business Improve your life, you are able to Make money from Home, part time or full time.

How could you look for a company to work with? Travel agents will often be thought to be just like real estate agents. As being a travel agent as well as much more particularly a home based travel agent is certainly an exciting alter of career or retirement option. Many individuals get it done full time despite the fact that get it done as an ingredient time business.

You will discover some organizations focused on independent travel agents. NACTA and OSSN would be the leading organizations. NACTA means National Association of Commissioned Travel Agents. OSSN indicatesnever suggest anyone spending lots of money to start this business. It’s key to try to find out if it is one thing you’d really wish to do and acquire training before you determine to get an excessive volume of money involved with it. Turn out to be involved in the business initial to see if it’s a genuine career that’s healthy for you.

What Travel Management Companies Need to know about Bleisure

Bleisure is a comparatively new buzzword for the travel industry and has been cited as an emerging trend in the last couple of years in the travel segment. The idea of combining business and leisure travel is definitely not outlandish as the latest reports found 83% of global business travelers take time on business trips to explore their destination. More than 37% of them have been found to add personal leave days along with their corporate trips.

Given the lack of long holiday scopes, most of the standard business or corporate trips are preceded or succeeded by two to three days of personal trips. Probably, this is how the new global business travelers’ definition would be for the new age millennials. Although this basic definition might not fit into all bleisure trips, which is why it is difficult to determine the complete extent of the bleisure phenomenon. Nevertheless, it allows detecting the trends and variations in the bleisure segment and also understanding its mechanism.

Tying in leisure services to enhance business travel
The projected growth of the millennials in the travel industry promises a growing uptake of bleisure travel in the coming years. The TMCs can create the contrivance for managing the crossover business and leisure trip within effective budget plans. What matters is whether the employees taking this discount offer of leisure travel can bring back greater incentive to the company. Also, it is essential to keep in mind the impact in the employers’ policy planning in the overall picture.

Traveling for business created brouhaha in the travel industry as it comes with the chance to leisurely explore new destinations. The 2014 Bleisure Report by Bridgestreet Global Hospitality showed that 20% of 35 to 64 year employees combined a business tour with leisure holiday1. It also showed that about 94% of employees under 35 year old are most likely to indulge in a bleisure trip. Desultory planning also affects the overall budget of the trip.

Thus, to carry the patina of this blip trend of the travel industry, TMCs need to keep in mind certain factor such as:

How to split the accommodations between leisure and business days?
How to manage the cost coverage till the end of the meeting?
How many leisure days will be accommodated with the business trip
What major factors to keep in mind for the expense reports of a bleisure trip?
As a travel provider, you might be in quandary whether to tag leisure travel options with business trips. When a third party is involved like TMC, the three operational areas need to be satisfied i.e. the employee travel, budget control and adhering to compliance. The sole perspective of bleisure trips is to create a favorable procurement option from travel suppliers.

What Travel Agents should include in a bleisure trip
Many companies today when hiring a travel agency for business not only look for professional assistance on the trip management front but also of the peripheral leisure industry which can be amalgamated with the business tour. Travel recruiting services use their connections within the industry to recruit the best potential candidates and retain them and bleisure is definitely a trap to keep them glued to the company. Sightseeing, dining, and local cultural experiences are the top three bleisure travel options.

Hoteliers can provide a wide range of additional choices to business travelers, for example by providing local experts and allies, advising guests on what to do and what to see in the cities they travel for business while also highlighting on famous dining spots and the unique culture helps to add intangible value to the trip. These add-on services from the hoteliers or travel providers create new revenue streams while making them stand out in business travelers’ minds for proving a memorable stay against the conventional business tours.

Should every travel management company embrace Bleisure?
The younger generation is suggestively more interested in arranged business trips which successfully offer a leisure trip with it. Today, bleisure is almost a primary global phenomenon in the corporate travel sector. Carlson Wagonlit Travel defines a bleisure trip on the basis of arrival at the destination on a Saturday and departure from the destination on Sunday. However, it is difficult to precisely define how combining business and leisure travel will affect travel management roles and responsibilities rather than just creating a sybaritic sense amongst the employees.

Complementing business and leisure ideas in the same trip might seem a compelling logic as not every employee is positioned to enjoy benefits of bleisure equally. Also shenanigans in bleisure trip are a real time challenge which can hamper employer priorities and interests and also create drift amongst employees.

Recent trends in bleisure

CWT found in its recent study that the phenomenon of business travelers who love to take on additional leisure travel days along with their business trip has remained static off late, putting the overall drift questionable. Consistent study about the travelers who would like to combine work and tourism and their preferred places to travel has been into question since the inception of bleisure trend. It showed that female travelers who rarely travel for work are most likely the bunch of travelers who would add a leisure trip to their corporate tours. Also, travelers within the age group of 20 and 25 are expected to add the leisure component in their work trips.

The top U.S. bleisure destinations remain the top domestic leisure destinations of the country. However, Europe’s most preferred tourist destinations like Rome isn’t the top bleisure travel destinations for corporate. Portugal, Spain, Istanbul are the most attractive places for most of the business travelers.